About Li Xiaofei

Li Xiaofei (b.1973) is a Chinese visual artist who lives and works in New Jersey and Shanghai. He graduated from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. and is the founder and director of the Creek Art Center (2004-2007) and Fei Contemporary Art Center (FCAC) Shanghai (2007-2015).
Li has been the recipient of multiple grants and awards, including Grant of the Asian Cultural Council (New York, 2011), the IASPIS (Stockholm, 2013), and the Asia New Zealand Foundation (Wellington, 2013). the FIPRESCI Award and an honorable mention by the International Jury at the 66th Oberhausen International Short Film Festival (Germany, 2020). the VIDEOFORMES Award of the Conseil Départemental du Puy de Dôme (France, 2021).

In 2010, Li initiated the Assembly Line Project—a practice that is intertwined with the social progress and social transformations of our time. Li has travelled around the world, investigating and taking footage of over 280 different factories to date. His work challenges the inherent sense of perception and production contained in more traditional narrative modes of expression, replacing these with his own visual language of continuous and repeating images. His works seek to explore the relationship between industrial production and social development.

Li Xiaofei works have been featured nationally and internationally in the 4th ,6th and 7th Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism / Architecture of Shenzhen and Hong Kong, (2013, 2017 and 2019), the 10th Shanghai Biennale (2014), the 8th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art (2014), Barents Spektakel (2015), and the 3rd Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition (2012), the Kunstraum München, the Guangdong Times Museum, OCAT Xi’an (solo exhibition), the Centre Pompidou (Paris), the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Seoul Museum of Art, FSRR (Turin), Rockbund Art Museum (Shanghai), and KW Berlin in group exhibitions. His works have been collected both by institutions and private collectors, including the Kadist Art Foundation (USA), FCAF (UK), and the White Rabbit Gallery (Australia).

For more information please refer to https://lixiafeiart.com


李消非  1973年出生于中国,1998年毕业于广州美术学院油画系,现居住、工作在纽约和上海。

2004年-2007年联合创办上海苏河艺术中心并任艺术总监;2007年-2015年创办上海非艺术中心并任艺术总监;2010年获纽约亚洲文化协会艺术家基金;2013年获瑞典IASPIS国家艺术家基金和新西兰亚洲基金会基金;2020年获第66届德国奥伯豪森国际短片电影节“评审团奖”和“国际影评人奖”; 2021年获第36届法国2021VIDEOFORMES评审团奖。






高清视频 / PAL / 彩色 / 声音
17 分 51 秒