NYRCA Annual Project Solo Exhibition “Outside of Art · Storytelling” Call for Artwork

A story that belongs solely to you, who is the best teller?

Humans have always been attempting to break free from the constraints of time, stretch or squeeze, let life blossom in the gap of time. As we are walking through the pandemic, sighing about the changes in life it has brought us, we feel like that pandemics have never fully disappeared in human society. However, the phases of the pandemics have been influencing how people view and treat the world. When the pandemic is obvious, people tend to be vulnerable and sensitive, especially the artists. If life is a gift from a mysterious power, time would only be a phenomenon. Past, present, and future are not always aligned. Hence, time is not equal to every individual. In the creation of art, our time would have the power of elasticity.

When life is art, the way one lives their life becomes art itself, then every little thing in life becomes irreplaceable. Every little element in life becomes a component of your art. For instance, the things you have to do to make a living, emotional traumas every individual experiences, and all the accidents that we don’t expect to occur. For this reason,as long as the work is “true” and “sincere”, it will receive more emotional interactions and outreach from friends through our organization.

We will showcase the unique story, which is a solo exhibition, of one artist every episode.

Although “the viewer is obsolete”.

We hope to receive documents that meet these requirements:

1. Written descriptions of what you experience in life (2000 words or less).

2. Things unrelated to art that you have to do (10 or fewer photos or video and Sound Files).

3. Life resume and art resume(1000 words or less).

4. 1 photo of the artist’s life.

All materials will be sent to: nyrcart@gmail.com

Submission deadline: June 4th, 2023

NYRCA 年度項目《藝術之外·故事會》个展征集













New York Research Institute of Contemporary Art is a non-profit art organization based in New York. Through international programs, the institution promotes opportunities for creating, exhibiting, researching, and critiquing art, in the mission of advancing the dialogues of contemporary art in the United States and Greater China. With a focus on art curating, the organization seeks to exhilarate young artists to enrich their creative practices with a global perspective by providing a platform for ideas and dialogues around art creation. The projects include the most pioneering art exploration and experimentation in the forms of multidisciplinary research and presentation, as well as artist residencies and educational activities in the United States and the Greater China regions. Surveying art forms and social issues of current concerns, the projects responding to a breadth of artistic creativities, while bringing art closer to the public.



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